The PULSAR Foundation, established in 2006, operates at the national level with a firm purpose: to help economic, social and cultural development, and in turn, collaborate in sustainability and care for the Environment.
· National development.
· Assistance services to disadvantaged areas.
· Development initiatives n the 3rd World.
· Support for the elderly and disadvantaged groups.
· Incorporation of groups of immigrants to work.
· Promotion of initiatives aimed at reducing occupational risks.
· Collaboration with the University and Teaching Centres: cultural activities.
· Training and scholarships in specific sectors: Logistics, renewable energy…
· Sponsorship of Childhood Activities: Camps/Base sports.
· Research projects and publications..
· Ethnographic and cultural recovery of peoples.
· Support for fire prevention and ecosystem conservation initiatives.
· Campaigns aimed at responsible water consumption.
· Training in Environmental Sustainability.
Foundation Activities
Fundación Pulsar colabora, un año más, con los alumnos de la Escuela de Fútbol de Carabanchel.
Contribuimos al desarrollo de personas íntegras, amantes de la práctica del deporte e impregnadas de valores como la educación, el respeto etc
Fundación Pulsar y la asociación cultural Musarañas, firman un convenio de colaboración para impulsar el proyecto: “Ríe – Sueña – Vive”
Fundación Pulsar y la asociación cultural Musarañas, firman un convenio de colaboración para impulsar el proyecto: “Ríe – Sueña – Vive”
La Fundación Josep Carreras inicia la construcción de la nueva Unidad de Terapias Avanzadas en el Hospital de Sant Pau
Fundación Pulsar apoya la construcción de la nueva Unidad de Terapias Avanzadas en el Hospital de Sant Pau
VIII Torneo Benéfico de Golf Fundación Pulsar
El 18 de octubre de 2024 Pulsar Properties celebrará su VIII Torneo de Golf Benéfico en Golf Montealvar – Yeles (Guadalajara). Los beneficios del VIII Torneo Benéfico de Golf Fundación Pulsar se donarán a proyectos solidarios.
El golf y la solidaridad se dan mano en el Torneo de la Fundación Pulsar
A pesar de las intensas lluvias del día anterior, el golf no quiso perder su cita anual con la solidaridad y el campo Montealvar, de Yebes, acogió la séptima edición del Torneo de la Fundación Pulsar. Y lo hizo por todo lo alto, superando el centenar de jugadores. En...
Pulsar Foundation signs a collaboration agreement with the Caná Foundation in favor of people with disabilities
Dentro de la Fundación Caná, la aportación de la Fundación Pulsar irá destinada a la aplicación del concepto Snoezelen. Fundación Caná es una fundación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a personas con discapacidad intelectual y sus familias. Trabajan para favorecer el...
Pulsar Foundation collaborates with the artisan women of Teji-uvita, in Colombia, through the Juan Bonal Foundation
La Fundación Pulsar se siente orgullosa de participar en este proyecto de emprendimiento de 40 mujeres de Colombia, en la cooperativa de tejido TEJI-UVITA. Estas mujeres, apasionadas del tejido, no cuentan con un empleo estable que les brinde las condiciones...
Pulsar Foundation collaborates with the JOSEP CARRERAS FOUNDATION in the project "A HOME FAR FROM HOME"
La Fundación Josep Carreras facilita un alojamiento gratuito a pacientes y familiares en riesgo de exclusión social o económica que deben trasladarse fuera de su domicilio habitual para recibir un tratamiento prolongado contra la leucemia u otras enfermedades...
Las Fundaciones Caná y Ramón Grosso se reparten los 10.000 euros de beneficios Buen tiempo y el excelente estado del campo de golf Montealvar (Yebes, Guadalajara), para los 85 jugadores que participaron en el torneo de este pasado...
Pulsar Foundation joins re-planta madrid, the initiative that will carry out a massive replantation of trees to recover the damage caused by filomena
The project began with more than 20 large companies involved that have contributed more than €400,000 for trees in the city. Any citizen will be able to plant a tree and contribute directly to the recovery of the arboreal heritage of the capital through the Crowdfunding campaign #ReplantaMadrid at replantamadrid.com
The return of the pulsar foundation charity golf tournament has been a success
On Friday, as on previous occasions, the Valdeluz Golf Course became the setting for the tournament which had the weather as an ally, and provided a splendid morning of golf for the 70 participants. A figure between, 59 in 2016 (from the first edition) to 108 in 2019, undoubtedly allows the organizers to continue betting on this initiative that has been so well received edition after edition.
Collaboration with the Bakuva Foundation in the training of young people at risk of exclusion
he Pulsar Foundation collaborates in the 2018-2019 school year with the Bakuva Foundation in the David Project, which aims to continue offering the service of personal, academic and social guidance to young people who regularly participate in Bakuva school support 4th year of secondary education
IV Pulsar Foundation charity golf tournament
The Valdeluz Golf Course once again became the setting for this charity tournament. With 107 players and 187 diners. The profits, which amounted to 10,000 euros, were shared equally between the Pablo Ugarte and Ramón Grosso foundations.
The Pulsar Foundation supports the Carabanchel Football School
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLZ6kTFQ4Bw La Fundación Pulsar ha llegado a un acuerdo de colaboración con la Escuela de Fútbol de Carabanchel, para sufragar la matrícula de 17 alumnos de la Escuela. La Escuela de Fútbol de Carabanchel, es una entidad sin ánimo de...
III Pulsar Foundation Charity Golf Tournament
In this III Edition of the Charity Golf Tournament organized by the Fundación Pulsar and 2BSoluciones, once again held at the Valdeluz Golf Course (Guadalajara), the profits obtained have been donated to: Pablo Ugarte Association against childhood cancer Ramon Grosso Foundation
Collaboration with the Bakuva Foundation in the training of young people at risk of social exclusion
The Pulsar Foundation collaborates in the 2018-2019 school year with the Bakuva Foundation in the David Project, which aims to continue offering the service of personal, academic and social guidance to young people who regularly participate in Bakuva school support 4th year of secondary education,
IX edition of the Water Race “Drops for Niger”, with Unicef
Fundación Pulsar has collaborated with Unicef in the IX water race in Guadalajara.
II Pulsar Foundation charity golf tournament
undación Pulsar, together with 2BSoluciones, has organized the II CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT, at the Valdeluz Golf Course in Guadalajara. The funds generated have been donated to the following associations: Pablo Ugarte Association against childhood cancer and the Madrid Parkinson's Association.
II Edition of Bilbao Let´s Run, solidarity race
The Pulsar Foundation has collaborated with Ideus in the BILBAO LET'S RUN Solidarity Race. The proceeds have been donated to: the Biscay Association of Parents with Children with Cancer, the Biscay Multiple Sclerosis Association, and the Biscay Parkinson's Association.
Reverse Logistics Conference
Fundación Pulsar, together with CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, participated in a Reverse Logistics Conference in Guadalajara.
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